Empanada Milonga at St. Clement's Berkeley
Sunday, Aug. 14
2:00 - 6:00 Milonga with live music by Scott O'Day and Esther Weakley and guest DJ Don An.
$30 Empanada Milonga with Live Music by Scott O'Day & Esther Weakley.
Info & $25 early-bird by reservation at https://www.OrquestaZ.com
St. Clement's Fellowship Hall
2837 Claremont Blvd
Berkeley, CA
The sweetest Sunday afternoon milonga in the Bay Area!
Celebrate our 9th year of Empanada Milonga, sponsored by the non-profit Orquesta Z, held every 2nd Sunday of each month.
Complimentary Argentine empanadas and wine is our signature treat!
Dance on a delicious 1920's hardwood floor in a beautiful wooden building.
Covid protocols: proof of vaccination required.
Reserve your space + order advanced discount tickets at: www.OrquestaZ.com
8/14/22 at 2:00 PM -
8/14/22 at 6:00 PM
St. Clement's Fellowship Hall 2837 Claremont Blvd Berkeley, CA Map