Tango Series with Felipe & Ayano
Thursday, May. 12
6:00 - 7:30 Fundamentals Series (30 minute practica after)
8:00 - 9:30 Int/Adv Series
9:30 - 11:30 Practica and DJ Mentoring (Free for class participants, $5 drop - in)
$150 for one series, non-students
$90 for students for one series
564 O'Connor Lane
564 O'Connor Ln
Stanford, CA
Classes will be held on Thursdays, April 14th-May 19th at 564 O'Connor Lane, Stanford.
Preregistration required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-tango-series-with-felipe-and-ayano-stanford-registration-305975118817
No drop-ins, full series registration required. Payment will be in person at the first session! Just sign up for the April 14th ticket and this registers you for the full series. Drop-ins to practica welcome!
Pricing is for one series only! x2 if you would like to take both fundamentals and intermediate.
All non-stanford affiliates must fill out this COVID safety form before coming to campus: https://redcap.stanford.edu/surveys/?s=TMJAC9X3JM
6:00 PM -
9:00 PM
Koret Pavilion, 564 O'Connor Lane, Stanford CA 94305 Map