Live Music Milonga Sentimental in San Mateo
Saturday, Nov. 5
8:00 - 12:00
*Face masks are optional (but recommended).
$25 per person
Motion Arts Center
217 S Claremont St
San Mateo, CA
Live Music Milonga Sentimental with Seth Asarnow (piano) & Adrian Jost (bandoneon). Two incredibly talented and skilled tango musicians in their favorite formation. A powerful duo with freedom to both lead and follow in the music, and Seth's underrated skills to reharmonize tangos in the moment.
Saturday, Nov. 5
8:00 - 12:00
1st Live set at or after 9pm
Pay at the door or online at:
This is a fun and friendly milonga in downtown San Mateo. DJ Gustavo Hornos will play the best & most danceable tango music!
Pay at the door or online at:
8:00 PM -
12:00 AM
Motion Arts Center, 217 S Claremont St San Mateo CA Map