ZOOM, Balance, Flexibility, and Strength for Tango - NIA Technology
Tuesday, Sep. 13
10:00 am - 11:00 Class
$10-20 suggested donation
NIA technique for tango dancers
Your invitation to: Aging Backwards - LOVE HOW YOU FEEL
Current research on healthy aging is showing the choices we make today about what we eat, what we think (stress), and how much we move deeply influence the aging process.....at all ages.....and more so as our physical body gains life experiences through time.
Without a doubt, more people are learning that small, consistent, pleasurable movements that engage all of the body's muscles and joints keep us strong, flexible, and vibrant.
The Nia Technique combines the new clinical findings of neuroscience and fitness science that supports building core strength, muscle tone and flexibility, balance, and weight loss.
You will learn movements for preventing and/or healing existing joint problems, arthritis, stiffness, and injury.
This zoom class is for everyone. All ages, athletic or sedentary, movement background or new to fitness classes......Learn tools to live a longer, healthier, and happier life.
Two Zoom classes a week - 10 am Tuesday and Friday
Join Zoom Movement - Mind-Body-Spirit: Same link each week for both classes.https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8165962285?pwd=YitFR2ZVcEdTcGR2dWIvMVZkaStv