Event Details

  • Peñactica queer w/ Anahi from BA Thursday, Sep. 1 7:15 - 8:00ish folclor class with Anahi 8:00 - 9:15 ish: practica with folklore and tango, DJ Anahi $15 General $7 Students with ID Everyone interested in creating a inclusive dance space is welcome: queer, straight, trans, non-binary, all unicorns and merry makers. Finnish Hall 1970 Chestnut st Berkeley, CA What is a Peña? In the most basic sense, a Peña is a place where people come together to share the music or dances or other arts they love. Usually in a cafe or bar-restaurant, but anywhere, really, a peña is where people can be together, eating, drinking, playing music, reciting poetry, and dancing. Anahí is bringing a peñactica (peña + practica) to Abrazo in September. This one centers on the folk dances of Argentina that she loves. She'll teach us the chacarera (going deep with gato, zapateao and zarandeo) and zamba -- these are all dances of the country people, very social, lots of circling, stamping (zapateando) with their own special rhythms and characteristics. After the lesson, she will play both folclor and tango music. Let's get together and enjoy life!
  • Date
    7:10 PM - 9:20 PM
  • Where
    Finnish Hall 1970 Chestnut St Berkeley, CA Map
  • Host
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  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
    • 0 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply


By Event Admin
August 25, 2022