Queer Zamba class + Practica w/ Anahi from BA
Thursday, Sep. 29
7:15 - 8:00ish Zamba class with Anahi
8:00 - 9:15 ish: practica with folklore and tango, DJ Ahani
$15 General
$9 Students with ID
Finnish Hall
1970 Chestnut st
Berkeley, CA
Anahí Carballo is a queer folklore and tango dancer, teacher and DJ from Buenos Aires. She will teach a chac class followed by a practica every Thursday in Sept.
In 2019, she was the Provincial Champion of Women’s Malambo for the district of Buenos Aires. and she runs her own tango school and tango dance company in BA. Private lessons available.
Registration Required. Abrazoqueertango@gmail.com