Event Details

  • Leader’s Technique Workshop w/Gustavo Hornos × Saturday, Oct. 23 10:00a - 12:00 $50 drop-in per person or $40 Special Price when you purchase the 10 Session Package that is also valid for group classes and dance parties at the studio. You will use 2 sessions of your 10 Session Package. Motion Arts Center 217 S Claremont St San Mateo, CA Map Gustavo’s Tango Method on what really matters to succeed in the leader’s role. We will practice many exercises to better our posture and balance and move onto ways to improve our overall experience as a leader, creating a stronger body and refining our muscle control. Also, be prepared to train in coordination and musicality which are a main ingredient of what we do on the dance floor. * The workshop is for all levels. Limited spaces available for a more personalized experience. Open to followers who want to learn about the leader’s role. REGISTER & BOOK ONLINE: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=38698&stype=-8&sTG=34&sVT=55&sView=day&sLoc=0 Please Note: 1) When to arrive: Checking in will take place 15minutes before the workshops starts. Please arrive on time.
  • Date
    10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Where
    Motion Arts Center, 217 S Claremont St San Mateo CA Map
  • Host
    Gustavo Hornos
  • Posted by
  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
    • 0 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply


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