Events » Milonga
» Walnut Creek Tango in the Gazebo - Free
Event Details
Friday, Aug. 27
6:00 - 8:00 Practilonga
DJ: Farhad Tabar
**Note: Due to space limitation of the gazebo, We may have to dance no more than 5 or 6 couples at a time and take turns after each tanda.
Walnut Creek Gazebo Tango
1375 Civic Dr,
Walnut Creek, CA
Every Friday until further notice
-Proof of vaccination and mask are required.
-Good sound system & lighted gazebo
-Good dance floor but comfortable dancing shoes is recommended
-Bring your own non alcoholic drink and etc. Keep the facility clean
-Plenty of parking available
Note: This is a public park, therefore standard park and recreation regulations/restrictions must be followed.
***Tango classes are also available, please contact Farhad Tabar
at 925-471-2175 to register.
8/27/21 at 6:00 PM -
10/29/21 at 8:00 PM
Walnut Creek Gazebo Tango, 1375 Civic Dr., Walnut Creek CA Map