Events » Milonga
» Berkeley, Queer Milonga @ The BA Cafe
Event Details
Queer Milonga @ The BA Cafe
Saturday, May. 28
5:00 - 7:00
Entry $10 (students $5)
Cafe Buenos Aires
2999 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley
Every second and fourth Saturday of the month we gather at Cafe Buenos Aires to enjoy traditional tango music and delicious empanadas, from 5pm to 7pm. Cafe Buenos Aires has a genuine atmosphere, warm and friendly. We encourage you to arrive for a social hour before the dancing and enjoy coffee, tea and pastries. Suggested donation for the cafe: $5-10. Proof of vaccination + booster for eligible dancers and masks required.
We are looking forward to seeing you,
Diana, Miranda, Andres, House DJs Madeleine & Douglas
5:00 PM -
7:00 PM
Cafe Buenos Aires 2999 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley CA Map