Event Details

  • Tango Level 1 with Rose Wednesday, May. 25 7:00 - 8:00 Register and pre - pay via Venmo, Zelle or PayPal with Debbie@almadeltango.org or text 415 - 250 - 3593 $75 per person for a 4 week month. $95 for a 5 week month Pre- Registration with Debbie@almadeltango.org We no longer require parnter but must pre-register so we can equalize leaders and followers. Register and pre-pay via Venmo, Zelle or PayPal CA MUST BE VACCINATED - SEND PROOF TO info@almadeltango.org. New sessions begin the first Wednesday of the month. Pre-registration required. This course is an introduction to the social form of Argentine Tango as danced in Buenos Aires. You will learn a code of movement that will get you started with this improvised dance. Embrace, posture, connection with your partner, and basic navigation on the dance floor will be emphasized. Most students need 1-6 months to acquire these fundamental skills before moving onto Level 2. Musicality, cultural information and etiquette about Argentine Tango is presented in all class levels. Tango Level 2 with Rose × Wednesday, May. 25 8:15 - 9:15 Register and pre - pay via Venmo, Zelle or PayPal with Debbie@almadeltango.org or text 415 - 250 - 3593 $75 for a 4 week month/ $95 for a 5 week month. Register and pre-pay via Venmo, Zelle or PayPal with Debbie@almadeltango.org or text 415-250-3593 Alma del Tango Studio 167 Tunstead Ave. San Anselmo, CA Map MUST BE VACCINATED - SEND PROOF TO info@almadeltango.org. While building on material from Level 1, the level 2 class moves deeper into the exciting world of parallel and cross systems, forward and back ochos, and giros y molinetes (turns). The foundation and technique of these skills will be emphasized then transformed into interesting combinations to use on the dance floor. We will focus on Debbie & John' "Top 10 figures for the Social Dance Floor). Most students need 6 months to 2 years to acquire the skills to move onto Level 3. Repeating this class for several months will help you develop confidence and sophistication on the dance floor.
  • Date
    7:00 PM - 9:20 PM
  • Where
    Alma del Tango Studio, 167 Tunstead Ave., San Anselmo CA Map
  • Host
    Rose Vierling
  • Posted by
  • Category
  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
    • 0 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply


By Event Admin
May 18, 2022

By Event Admin
May 18, 2022