Thursday, Jul. 1
7:30 - 8:30 Class All levels
8:30 - 11:30+ Milonga
Class + Milonga=$15 / $12 Allegro members
Milonga Only: $10 /$8 Allegro members
Allegro Ballroom
12012 San Pablo ave
Richmond, CA
Class + Milonga with DJ.
Allegro Ballroom Guidelines: You must be Vaccinated and a mask is recommended. Please, bring proof of vaccination as this is required at check-in.
To obtain a digital copy of your vaccine record, please go to this link:
It is very quick and easy to sign up.
More info here: Allegro website:
Sacada Figures: video 1
Sanda with Giro: video 2
Argentine Tango 50 Steps Video: video 3
Choreography Figure: video 4
Contact: Mat